Nose Cutting Queen of Garhwal - Saffron Swords

Saffron Swords –

Rani Karnavati of the Garhwal Kingdom, also known as Tehri Garhwal, was the wife of Mahipat Shah (or Mahipati Shah), the Hindu king of Garhwal who used the title, Shah. The capital of Garhwal Kingdom was shifted from Dewalgarh to Srinagar, Uttarakhand by him, who ascended to the throne in 1622 and further consolidated his rule over most parts of Garhwal.

Though King Mahipati Shah died young in 1631, after his death his Rani Karnavati, ruled the kingdom on the behalf of her very young seven-year-old son, Prithvipati Shah. She ruled over for many years to come, during which she successfully defend the kingdom against invaders and repelled an invasion of the Mughal army of Shah Jahan led by Najabat Khan in 1640, over time she earned the nickname ‘Nakti Rani’ (Nak-Kati-Rani) as she had the habit of cutting the noses of the invaders, as the Mughal invaders of the period realized.

Monuments erected by her still exist in the Dehradun district at Nawada,[4] she is also credited with the construction of the Rajpur Canal, the earliest of all the Dehradun canals, which starts from the Rispana River and brings its waters to the city of Dehradun. Rispana River is one of the tributaries of the Song river that drains the central and eastern part of the Doon Valley.

By anandkumar

आनंद ने कंप्यूटर साइंस में डिग्री हासिल की है और मास्टर स्तर पर मार्केटिंग और मीडिया मैनेजमेंट की पढ़ाई की है। उन्होंने बाजार और सामाजिक अनुसंधान में एक दशक से अधिक समय तक काम किया। दोनों काम के दायित्वों के कारण और व्यक्तिगत रूचि के लिए भी, उन्होंने पूरे भारत में यात्राएं की हैं। वर्तमान में, वह भारत के 500+ में घूमने, अथवा काम के सिलसिले में जा चुके हैं। पिछले कुछ वर्षों से, वह पटना, बिहार में स्थित है, और इन दिनों संस्कृत विषय से स्नातक (शास्त्री) की पढ़ाई पूरी कर रहें है। एक सामग्री लेखक के रूप में, उनके पास OpIndia, IChowk, और कई अन्य वेबसाइटों और ब्लॉगों पर कई लेख हैं। भगवद् गीता पर उनकी पहली पुस्तक "गीतायन" अमेज़न पर बेस्ट सेलर रह चुकी है।

3 thoughts on “Nose Cutting Queen of Garhwal – Saffron Swords”
  1. Prithvi shah died after running away to Gujarat when the Mughals tried to attack Garhwal. That gujju dude got what was coming to him. Okay video but felt it's seen from a desi point of view. Garhwal was a Himalayan kingdom that didn't allow contact with anyone. They reason why Garhwal and Kumaon were not under Mughal unlike India was because our culture and ways are different from Indians

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